Tuesday 15/1-08
Guess what!? Mr. W smokes! I'm not suprised, because I already knew it..
But who cares, he's still as cute as before.
Some of you may wonder why a Swedish girl like me, write in english. The reason why is that everyone will understand, specially P, E and L. I hope everything is fine with you, miss you guys a lot! C ya next summer. I hope I'll see M as well, when I'm in Canada. Can't understand that almost a year have passed by since we saw each other last time.
So... School today was normal, we started 10.15 and ended at one o'clock. After school I went to C´s place. We didn't do very much, just chilled in front of the TV and talked about guys (as usual), fashion -you name it!
A funny thing that happened today, was that my FAVOURITE pants got even more broken than before! :( So typical me!!
Have to do my homework now, but the day isn't over yet. C ya!
P.S. Ugly Betty starts 8 o'clock today, don't forget to watch it! ♥